Who's Who
U.S. Steel Dean of Engineering
U.S. Steel Dean of Engineering
For 175 years, engineering at Pitt has helped to transform our world, as well as the lives of generations of students, alumni, and faculty. Our commitment to innovation is as strong as ever as we contribute to the advancement of engineering education and research.
Graduate Studies Team
Robert Parker
Associate Dean for Graduate Education
Professor, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Stephanie Opalinski
Director of Graduate Recruitment and Enrollment Marketing
What I love most about my role is that I get to see a student’s role through the decision process of which school to apply to, which to enroll in, and ultimately the celebration of their educational pursuits upon graduation. I like to say that as a member of the staff of SSOE, I am an ally to our graduate student community. If you ever need a helping hand or a familiar face, my door (virtually too) is always open.
Cheryl Paul
Senior Director for Advocacy and Well Being
As the Ombudsperson within the Swanson School of Engineering, please look to me as a thought partner should challenges arise. My role is as a designated neutral, so please feel free to contact me to confidentially evaluate your situation, share your concerns, and plan your next step. Or, should you need assistance with information on campus and community support systems please never hesitate to ask! My goal is to join with our students in tackling their challenges so that they do not feel alone in the process. I’m here to help you thrive in your life at University of Pittsburgh!
O: 412-624-4042
C: 412-627-5609
Bioengineering Graduate Team
Aaron Gibson
Assistant Director of Graduate Programs
My goal each day is to help students achieve their goals! It is that simple. Working to make the processes and procedures easier to navigate so you can concentrate on your studies, that's why I'm here for you.
Aaron Gibson
Interim Assistant Director of MS Program
My goal each day is to help students achieve their goals! It is that simple. Working to make the processes and procedures easier to navigate so you can concentrate on your studies, that's why I'm here for you.
Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Graduate Team
Susan Fullerton
Vice Chair for Graduate Education, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Associate Professor and Bicentennial Board of Visitors Faculty Fellow
I am delighted to lead our vibrant graduate program in the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. It is exciting to work with the ChE and PetE faculty to shepherd our talented incoming graduate students through to their degrees, and with the ChE Graduate Student Association (GSA) and Graduate Women in Engineering Network (GWEN) to strengthen the connection between the students and the faculty. My own research is in the area of next-generation electronics, with focus on using ions to control charge transport in two-dimensional (2D) materials.
Rita Ann Leccia
Senior Academic Administrative Assistant
I love working with students from the time they fill out an application for graduate study in our department until they graduate and start the next exciting chapter of their lives. Should you have any questions/concerns about your application, offer of admission, enrollment, degree/graduation requirements, please contact me! The best is yet to come.
Civil & Environmental Engineering Graduate Team
Andrew P. Bunger
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Director of Graduate Studies
I oversee the graduate programs offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE). If you have any questions related to CEE PhD or MS programs’ curriculum, coursework, deadlines, advising, and other related questions, please feel free to contact me.
Cheryl Morand
Civil and Environmental Engineering Academic Program Administrator
If you have questions about the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department’s graduate recruitment, admission, curriculum and coursework, outstanding requirements, important deadlines, or other department related concerns, contact me!
Electrical & Computer Engineering Graduate Team
Industrial Engineering Graduate Team
Michael Sibenac
Industrial Engineering Graduate Program Administrator
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Graduate Team (includes Nuclear)
Sustainable Engineering Graduate Team
Dr. David Sanchez
Sustainable Engineering Graduate Coordinator
As the graduate coordinator and faculty lead in our sustainable engineering program, I have a passion for addressing Sustainability Grand Challenges. I want my students to get the most out of their education and find the research focus they’re passionate about. My research focuses on sustainable design, data driven models and analytical chemistry for sustainable water applications. I’m always willing to have a one-on-one meeting with students to discuss research and course options. Maybe I’ll see you in Current Issues in Sustainability (ENG 2905)!
Office of Diversity Graduate Team
Dr. Sylvanus Wosu
Associate Dean for Diversity Affairs and Associate Professor