Workflow Applications

The SSoE Technology Group is constantly reviewing the core business processes of the School, identifying opportunities to improve student experience, resources and management, to make research operations more efficient, to refining processes tied to student applications and recruitment and many other workflow/process challenges. Applications in production are listed below and our Group continues to seek openings to make Swanson even more efficient.  Faculty and staff interested in learning more should contact their Department Technology Lead.

Workflow Applications

Graduate Application Management - GATS

Custom workflow application for SSoE Departments in their review and decision management of prospective graduate students. For more information on GATS, please contact your Department's Graduate Coordinator or Jamie Radocay  in the SSoE Office of Administration or calling 412-624-9801.

The University’s Faculty Information System – Symplectic Elements – provides a single point of organization, presentation, and reporting of scholarly and research activities. This system is supported by the University’s Library System and CSSD.

Laboratory Job Management/Invoicing - Facility Online Manager (FOM)

Application tailored to research laboratories with shared equipment. Manages machine time, scheduling, billing/invoicing. In use in the  PINSE NFCF . For more information, contact the SSoE Associate Director of Technology, Nathan Pearce ( Licensing fees apply.

User Surveys - CSSD Qualtrics ,  EERC

The Swanson School was an early adopter of the Qualtrics web based survey tool. Originally adopted and used by the EERC, Qualtrics is a web-based service that allows you to easily create a survey, collect and store data securely, analyze responses, and present results using professional-quality graphs. The University of Pittsburgh has a site license for the Qualtrics Survey Service. It is available to Pitt faculty, students, and staff at all campuses, at no cost. The service can be used to support teaching, academic research, and institutional business (from the CSSD web site).