
Rocky Tuan, PhD Dr. Rocky Tuan (Bioengineering) Development, growth, function, and health of the musculoskeletal system; biology of adult stem cells Dr. Tuan's Profile Dr. Tuan's research focuses
for cell type-specific gene therapy. Joseph Stujenske My lab studies the cognitive regulation of emotional states. Our research bridges basic neuroscience studies of circuit mechanisms and clinical
, G.H. (2008). Fractal dimension assessment of brain white matter structural complexity post stroke in relation to upper-extremity motor function. BRAIN RESEARCH, 1228, 229-240.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016
in dilated heart failure significantly worsens mortality. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) not only restores synchrony and systolic function, but also prolongs survival; which drug therapy does
Systems LaboratoryThis laboratory is under the direction of Sanjeev Shroff, PhD and focuses on research related to cardiovascular mechano-energetics and structure-function relationships. This research