
Zakiy Alfikri Visiting Lecturer Setiawan, I.M.A., Zhou, L., Alfikri, Z., Saptono, A., Fairman, A.D., Dicianno, B.E., & Parmanto, B. (2019). An Adaptive Mobile Health System to Support Self
of Life Surveys for Trauma-Affected Communities. Perspect Health Inf Manag, 16(Winter), 1e. Setiawan, I.M.A., Zhou, L., Alfikri, Z., Saptono, A., Fairman, A.D., Dicianno, B.E., & Parmanto, B. (2019
. Setiawan, I.M.A., Zhou, L., Alfikri, Z., Saptono, A., Fairman, A.D., Dicianno, B.E., & Parmanto, B. (2019). An Adaptive Mobile Health System to Support Self-Management for Persons With Chronic