

Abramowitch, Steven
Professor, Associate Chair for Culture and Community
Bioengineering Department
Aizenstein, Howard
Psychiatry, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Bioengineering Department
Akcakaya, Murat
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Alavi, Amir
Assistant Professor
Civil & Environmental Engr, Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Bioengineering Department
Anderst, William
Associate Professor
Orthopedic Surgery
Balaban, Carey
Otolaryngology, Bioengineering Department, Neurology
Balazs, Anna
Distinguished Professor, John A. Swanson Chair of Engineering
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Banerjee, Taposh
Assistant Professor
Industrial Engineering
Banihashemi, Layla
Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Beckman, Eric
Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Bell, Kevin
Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Department, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Bidanda, Bopaya
Ernest Roth Professor
Industrial Engineering, Engr-Dept Chairperson's Office