PhD, University of Pittsburgh
DPT, University of Pittsburgh
BS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Murphy, L.F., Bryce, T.N., Coker, J., Scott, M., Roach, M.J., Worobey, L., & Botticello, A.L. (2024). Medical, dental, and optical care utilization among community-living people with spinal cord injury in the United States. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 47(1), 64-73.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2022.2110817.
Abou, L., Worobey, L.A., Rigot, S.K., Stanley, E., & Rice, L.A. (2023). Reliability of home-based remote and self-assessment of transfers using the Transfer Assessment Instrument among wheelchair users with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord Ser Cases, 9(1), 10.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1038/s41394-023-00567-5.
Everhart, J., Somers, M., Hibbs, R., & Worobey, L.A. (2023). Clinical utility during inpatient rehabilitation of a clinical prediction rule for ambulation prognosis following spinal cord injury. JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE, 46(3), 485-493.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2021.1888024.
Worobey, L.A., Bernstein, J., Ott, J., Berner, T., Black, J., Cabarle, M., Roesler, T., Scarborough, S., & Betz, K. (2023). RESNA position on the application of ultralight manual wheelchairs. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY, 1-18.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/10400435.2023.2221148.
Field-Fote, E.C., Furbish, C.L., Tripp, N.E., Zanca, J.M., Dyson-Hudson, T., Kirshblum, S., Heinemann, A.W., Chen, D., Felix, E.R., Worobey, L., Schmidt-Read, M., Marino, R.J., & Hayat, M.J. (2022). Characterizing the Experience of Spasticity after Spinal Cord Injury: A National Survey Project of the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(4), 764-+.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.03.040.
Henderson, G.V., Boninger, M.L., Dicianno, B.E., & Worobey, L.A. (2022). Type and frequency of wheelchair repairs and resulting adverse consequences among veteran wheelchair users. DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION-ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY, 17(3), 331-337.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2020.1785559.
Rigot, S.K., Boninger, M.L., Ding, D., Collinger, J.L., Dicianno, B.E., & Worobey, L.A. (2022). Limb accelerations during sleep are related to measures of strength, sensation, and spasticity among individuals with spinal cord injury. JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION, 19(1), 118.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1186/s12984-022-01090-8.
Rigot, S.K., Boninger, M.L., Ding, D., McKernan, G., Field-Fote, E.C., Hoffman, J., Hibbs, R., & Worobey, L.A. (2022). Toward Improving the Prediction of Functional Ambulation After Spinal Cord Injury Through the Inclusion of Limb Accelerations During Sleep and Personal Factors. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(4), 676-+.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.02.029.
Rigot, S.K., DiGiovine, K.M., Boninger, M.L., Hibbs, R., Smith, I., & Worobey, L.A. (2022). Response to Letter to the Editor on "Effectiveness of a Web-Based Direct-toUser Transfer Training Program". ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(10), 2063-2064.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2022.05.002.
Rigot, S.K., DiGiovine, K.M., Boninger, M.L., Hibbs, R., Smith, I., & Worobey, L.A. (2022). Effectiveness of a Web-Based Direct-to-User Transfer Training Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(4), 807-+.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.05.007.
Rigot, S.K., Worobey, L.A., Boninger, M.L., Robinson-Whelen, S., Roach, M.J., Heinemann, A.W., & McKernan, G. (2022). Changes in Internet Use Over Time Among Individuals with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(4), 832-+.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.04.021.
Worobey, L.A., Heinemann, A.W., Anderson, K.D., Fyffe, D., Dyson-Hudson, T.A., Berner, T., & Boninger, M.L. (2022). Factors Influencing Incidence of Wheelchair Repairs and Consequences Among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(4), 779-789.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.01.094.
Worobey, L.A., Hibbs, R., Rigot, S.K., Boninger, M.L., Huzinec, R., Sung, J.H., & Rice, L.A. (2022). Intra- and Interrater Reliability of Remote Assessment of Transfers by Wheelchair Users Using the Transfer Assessment Instrument (Version 4.0). ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(4), 816-821.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2020.12.032.
Worobey, L.A., Kirby, R.L., Cowan, R.E., Dyson-Hudson, T.A., Shea, M., Heinemann, A.W., Pedersen, J.P., & Boninger, M.L. (2022). Efficacy of a Remote Train-the-Trainer Model for Wheelchair Skills Training Administered by Clinicians: A Cohort Study With Pre- vs Posttraining Comparisons. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(4), 798-806.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.03.042.
Worobey, L.A., Kirby, R.L., Cowan, R.E., Dyson-Hudson, T.A., Shea, M., Heinemann, A.W., Pedersen, J.P., Hibbs, R., & Boninger, M.L. (2022). Using remote learning to teach clinicians manual wheelchair skills: a cohort study with pre- vs post-training comparisons. DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION-ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY, 17(7), 752-759.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2020.1804633.
Worobey, L.A., McKernan, G., Toro, M., Pearlman, J., Cowan, R.E., Heinemann, A.W., Dyson-Hudson, T.A., Pedersen, J.P., Mesoros, M., & Boninger, M.L. (2022). Effectiveness of Group Wheelchair Maintenance Training for People with Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 103(4), 790-797.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.02.031.
Munera, S., Pearlman, J., Toro, M., Worobey, L., Boninger, M., & Cooper, R.A. (2021). Development and efficacy of an online wheelchair maintenance training program for wheelchair personnel. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY, 33(1), 49-55.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/10400435.2019.1619632.
Bossuyt, F.M., Hogaboom, N.S., Worobey, L.A., Koontz, A.M., Arnet, U., & Boninger, M.L. (2020). Start-up propulsion biomechanics changes with fatiguing activity in persons with spinal cord injury. JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE, 43(4), 476-484.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2019.1582603.
Engel-Haber, E., Zeilig, G., Haber, S., Worobey, L., & Kirshblum, S. (2020). The effect of age and injury severity on clinical prediction rules for ambulation among individuals with spinal cord injury. SPINE JOURNAL, 20(10), 1666-1675.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2020.05.551.
Gerber, L.H., Bush, H., Cai, X.C., Morse, L., Worobey, L., & Garfinkel, S. (2020). Scoping review of peer reviewed publications addressing rehabilitation for people sustaining traumatic spinal cord injury. JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE, 43(4), 421-427.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2019.1645415.
Worobey, L.A., Rigot, S.K., Boninger, M.L., Huzinec, R., Sung, J.H., DiGiovine, K., & Rice, L.A. (2020). Concurrent Validity and Reliability of the Transfer Assessment Instrument Questionnaire as a Self-Assessment Measure. Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl, 2(4), 100088.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.arrct.2020.100088.
Hogaboom, N., Fyffe, D.C., Botticello, A.L., Worobey, L.A., & Boninger, M.L. (2019). A Cross-Sectional Study to Investigate the Effects of Perceived Discrimination in the Health Care Setting on Pain and Depressive Symptoms in Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 100(12), 2233-2243.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2019.06.016.
Hogaboom, N.S., Onishi, K., Worobey, L.A., & Boninger, M.L. (2019). Microdialysis to Quantify Inflammatory Cytokines in the Glenohumeral Joint A Brief Methods Report. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION, 98(5), 426-429.Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health). doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001098.
Hogaboom, N.S., Worobey, L.A., Houlihan, B.V., Heinemann, A.W., & Boninger, M.L. (2018). Wheelchair Breakdowns Are Associated With Pain, Pressure Injuries, Rehospitalization, and Self-Perceived Health in Full-Time Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 99(10), 1949-1956.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2018.04.002.
Keeney, T., Slavin, M., Kisala, P., Ni, P., Heinemann, A.W., Charlifue, S., Fyffe, D.C., Marino, R.J., Morse, L.R., Worobey, L.A., Tate, D., Rosenblum, D., Zafonte, R., Tulsky, D., & Jette, A.M. (2018). Sensitivity of the SCI-FI/AT in Individuals With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 99(9), 1783-1788.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2018.02.014.
Rigot, S., Worobey, L., & Boninger, M.L. (2018). Gait Training in Acute Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation-Utilization and Outcomes Among Nonambulatory Individuals: Findings From the SCIRehab Project. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 99(8), 1591-1598.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2018.01.031.
Worobey, L.A., Rigot, S.K., Hogaboom, N.S., Venus, C., & Boninger, M.L. (2018). Investigating the Efficacy of Web-Based Transfer Training on Independent Wheelchair Transfers Through Randomized Controlled Trials. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 99(1), 9-16.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2017.06.025.
Worobey, L.A., Zigler, C.K., Huzinec, R., Rigot, S.K., Sung, J., & Rice, L.A. (2018). Reliability and Validity of the Revised Transfer Assessment Instrument. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil, 24(3), 217-226.American Spinal Injury Association. doi: 10.1310/sci2403-217.
Hiremath, S.V., Hogaboom, N.S., Roscher, M.R., Worobey, L.A., Oyster, M.L., & Boninger, M.L. (2017). Longitudinal Prediction of Quality-of-Life Scores and Locomotion in Individuals With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 98(12), 2385-2392.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2017.05.020.
Myaskovsky, L., Gao, S., Hausmann, L.R.M., Bornemann, K.R., Burkitt, K.H., Switzer, G.E., Fine, M.J., Phillips, S.L., Gater, D., Spungen, A.M., Worobey, L., & Boninger, M.L. (2017). Quality and Equity in Wheelchairs Used by Veterans. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 98(3), 442-449.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2016.09.116.
Toro, M.L., Bird, E., Oyster, M., Worobey, L., Lain, M., Bucior, S., Cooper, R.A., & Pearlman, J. (2017). Development of a wheelchair maintenance training programme and questionnaire for clinicians and wheelchair users. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 12(8), 843-851.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2016.1277792.
Hogaboom, N.S., Huang, B.L., Worobey, L.A., Koontz, A.M., & Boninger, M.L. (2016). Cross-Sectional Investigation of Acute Changes in Ultrasonographic Markers for Biceps and Supraspinatus Tendon Degeneration After Repeated Wheelchair Transfers in People With Spinal Cord Injury. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION, 95(11), 818-830.Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health). doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000509.
Hogaboom, N.S., Worobey, L.A., & Boninger, M.L. (2016). Transfer Technique Is Associated With Shoulder Pain and Pathology in People With Spinal Cord Injury: A Cross-Sectional Investigation. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 97(10), 1770-1776.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2016.03.026.
Kirby, R.L., Worobey, L.A., Cowan, R., Pedersen, J.P., Heinemann, A.W., Dyson-Hudson, T.A., Shea, M., Smith, C., Rushton, P.W., & Boninger, M.L. (2016). Wheelchair Skills Capacity and Performance of Manual Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 97(10), 1761-1769.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2016.05.015.
Luisa Toro, M., Worobey, L., Boninger, M.L., Cooper, R.A., & Pearlman, J. (2016). Type and Frequency of Reported Wheelchair Repairs and Related Adverse Consequences Among People With Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 97(10), 1753-1760.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2016.03.032.
Slavin, M.D., Ni, P., Tulsky, D.S., Kisala, P.A., Heinemann, A.W., Charlifue, S., Fyffe, D.C., Graves, D.E., Marino, R.J., Morse, L.R., Rosenblum, D., Tate, D., Worobey, L.A., Dawson, M.B., & Jette, A.M. (2016). Spinal Cord Injury-Functional Index/Assistive Technology Short Forms. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 97(10), 1745-1752.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2016.03.029.
Worobey, L.A., Kirby, R.L., Heinemann, A.W., Krobot, E.A., Dyson-Hudson, T.A., Cowan, R.E., Pedersen, J.P., Shea, M., & Boninger, M.L. (2016). Effectiveness of Group Wheelchair Skills Training for People With Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 97(10), 1777-1784.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2016.04.006.
Worobey, L.A., Lin, Y.S., Koontz, A.M., & Boninger, M.L. (2015). Dynamic Three-Dimensional Ultrasound to Evaluate Scapular Movement Among Manual Wheelchair Users and Healthy Controls. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil, 21(4), 303-312.American Spinal Injury Association. doi: 10.1310/sci2104-303.
Boninger, M.L., & Worobey, L.A. (2014). Perfect-the Enemy of Good. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 95(4), 608-609.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2014.01.006.
Lin, Y.S., Boninger, M., Worobey, L., Farrokhi, S., & Koontz, A. (2014). Effects of Repetitive Shoulder Activity on the Subacromial Space in Manual Wheelchair Users. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2014, 583951.Hindawi Limited. doi: 10.1155/2014/583951.
Worobey, L., Oyster, M., Pearlman, J., Gebrosky, B., & Boninger, M.L. (2014). Differences Between Manufacturers in Reported Power Wheelchair Repairs and Adverse Consequences Among People With Spinal Cord Injury. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 95(4), 597-603.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2013.11.022.
Worobey, L.A., Udofa, I.A., Lin, Y.S., Koontz, A.M., Farrokhi, S.S., & Boninger, M.L. (2014). Reliability of freehand three-dimensional ultrasound to measure scapular rotations. JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 51(6), 985-994.Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. doi: 10.1682/JRRD.2014.01.0006.
Koontz, A.M., Worobey, L.A., Rice, I.M., Collinger, J.L., & Boninger, M.L. (2012). Comparison Between Overground and Dynamometer Manual Wheelchair Propulsion. JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS, 28(4), 412-419.Human Kinetics. doi: 10.1123/jab.28.4.412.
Worobey, L., Oyster, M., Nemunaitis, G., Cooper, R., & Boninger, M.L. (2012). Increases in Wheelchair Breakdowns, Repairs, and Adverse Consequences for People with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION, 91(6), 463-469.Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health). doi: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31825ab5ec.
Kirby, L., Worobey, L., Shea, M., Pedersen, J.P., & Cowan, R. (2019). Effectiveness of remote asynchronous wheelchair skills training for clinicians. In ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY, 31(5), (p. 236).
Koontz, A.M., Lin, Y.S., Worobey, L., & Boninger, M.L. (2012). Effect of muscle fatiguing tasks on subacromial space in manual wheelchair users. In Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America 2012 Annual Conference.Baltimore, MD.
Koontz, A.M., Boninger, M.L., Tamburo, E., & Worobey, L.A. (2011). Comparison Of Upper Extremity Electromyography During Manual Wheelchair Propulsion With Three Handrims. In Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference.Toronto, ON, Canada.
Koontz, A.M., Boninger, M.L., & Worobey, L.A. (2010). Role of Trunk Movement in Manual Wheelchair Propulsion in Various Overground Conditions. In American Society of Biomechanics Conference.Providence, RI.
Koontz, A.M., Boninger, M.L., Collinger, J.L., Rice, I., & Worobey, L.A. (2009). A Comparison Between Overground and Dynamometer Wheelchair Propulsion. In Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference.New Orleans, LA.
Koontz, A.M., Boninger, M.L., Worobey, L.A., Rice, I., & Collinger, J.L. (2009). Curve Shape and Analysis of Manual Wheelchair Propulsion Overground and on a Dynamometer. In Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting.Pittsburgh, PA.