headshot of John Camillus

John Camillus

Industrial Engineering


Baskin, K.M., Durack, J.C., Abu-Elmagd, K., Doellman, D., Drews, B.B., Journeycake, J.M., Kocoshis, S.A., McLennan, G., Rupp, S.M., Towbin, R.B., Wasse, H., Mermel, L.A., Toomay, S.M., Camillus, J.C., Ahrar, K., & White, S.B. (2018). Chronic Central Venous Access: From Research Consensus Panel to National Multistakeholder Initiative. JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY, 29(4), 461-469.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jvir.2017.12.009.

Camillus, J.C., Bidanda, B., & Mohan, N.C. (2017). The Business of Humanity. 1-173.Productivity Press. doi: 10.4324/9781315277622.

Camillus, J.C. (2016). Wicked strategies: How companies conquer complexity and confound competitors. 1-186.

Camillus, J.C. (2008). Strategy as a wicked problem. HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 86(5), 98-+.

Bhardwaj, G., Camillus, J.C., & Hounshell, D.A. (2006). Continual corporate entrepreneurial search for long-term growth. MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 52(2), 248-261.Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). doi: 10.1287/mnsc.1050.0477.

Camillus, J.C., Sessions, R.T., & Webb, R. (1998). Strategic processes in fast‐cycle environments. Strategy & Leadership, 26(1), 20-24.Emerald. doi: 10.1108/eb054608.

Camillus, J.C. (1996). Reinventing Strategic Planning. Strategy & Leadership, 24(3), 6-12.Emerald. doi: 10.1108/eb054552.

Gilmore, W.S., & Camillus, J.C. (1996). Do your planning processes meet the reality test?. LONG RANGE PLANNING, 29(6), 869-879.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/S0024-6301(97)82824-5.