(2015) Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award.
(2015) James Pommersheim Award for Excellence in Teaching in Chemical Engineering.
(2012) SSOE Outstanding Educator Award.
(2010) W.K. Whiteford Professor.
(2009 - 2011) Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award Finalist.
(2008) Carnegie Science Award for Higher Education.
(2008) Beitle-Veltri Nominee.
(2004) Carnegie Science Award of Excellence in Higher Education (Honorable Mention).
(2004 - 2010) W.K. Whiteford Faculty Fellow.
(2003 - 2004) Beitle-Veltri Nominee.
(2000) Packard Foundation Fellowship Nominee.
(1997) Apprentice Professor Program, Northwestern University.
(1997 - 1998) Cabell Fellowship.
(1995) National Science Foundation Fellowship - Honorable Mention.
(1994 - 1997) Walter P. Murphy Fellowship.
(1993) Undergraduate Research Excellence Award, University of Notre Dame.
(1993 - 1994) Alumni Fellowship, Northwestern University.
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, 1998
B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1993
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