(2014) Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)- Eastern North America Region "Reservoir Description and Dynamics" Award. For distinguished contribution to Petroleum Engineering in reservoir description and dynamics..
(2006) Fulbright Senior Specialist Award, Environmental Science, University of Belgrade, College of Mining and Geology, Serbia..
(2004) Fulbright Senior Specialist Award, Environmental Science, University of Miskolc, Hungary..
PhD, Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, 1992 - 1995
MS, Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, 1986 - 1988
BS, Physics, University of Bucharest, 1967 - 1972
Romanov, V.N., Graeser, L.C., Jikich, S.A., Soong, Y., & Irdi, G.A. (2016). Coal–gas interaction: implications of changes in texture and porosity. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 3(1), 10-19.Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/s40789-015-0098-6.
McLendon, T., Soong, Y., Hedges, S., Jikich, S., & McLendon, W. (2015). Overview of technical advances that encourage domestic US tar sand development. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OIL GAS AND COAL TECHNOLOGY, 10(3), 233-249.Inderscience Publishers. doi: 10.1504/IJOGCT.2015.071505.
Jikich, S.A. (2014). Reservoir management: EOR: NETL develops advanced CO
Jikich, S. (2013). Chemical EOR research unlocks production possibilities. Hart's E and P, (JUL).
Jikich, S. (2013). Designing chemical floods for Kansas reservoirs. Hart's E and P, (AUG).
Jikich, S.A. (2013). Next-generation surfactants improve chemical flooding: Lab results indicate 70% recovery. Hart's E and P, (SEP).
Jikich, S. (2012). CO2 EOR: Nanotechnology for Mobility Control Studied. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 64(7).
Haljasmaa, I.V., McLendon, T.R., Jikich, S.A., Goodman, A., Siriwardane, H., Soong, Y., McIntyre, D.L., Bromhal, G.S., Irdi, G.A., & Dobroskok, A. (2011). North Dakota lignite and Pittsburgh bituminous coal: a comparative analysis in application to CO2 sequestration. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OIL GAS AND COAL TECHNOLOGY, 4(3), 264-281.Inderscience Publishers. doi: 10.1504/ijogct.2011.040839.
Smith, D.H., & Jikich, S.A. (2010). X‐Ray CT Imaging of Coal for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide. In Advances in Computed Tomography for Geomaterials. (pp. 389-396).Wiley. doi: 10.1002/9781118557723.ch46.
Jikich, S.A., McLendon, R., Seshadri, K., Irdi, G., & Smith, D.H. (2009). Carbon Dioxide Transport and Sorption Behavior in Confined Coal Cores for Carbon Sequestration. SPE RESERVOIR EVALUATION & ENGINEERING, 12(1), 124-136.Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). doi: 10.2118/109915-PA.
Bromhal, G.S., Sams, W.N., Jikich, S., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2005). Simulation of CO2 sequestration in coal beds:: The effects of sorption isotherms. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 217(3-4), 201-211.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2004.12.021.
Sams, W.N., Bromhal, G., Jikich, S., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2005). Field-project designs for carbon dioxide sequestration and enhanced coalbed methane production. ENERGY & FUELS, 19(6), 2287-2297.American Chemical Society (ACS). doi: 10.1021/ef049667n.
Smith, D.H., Bromhal, G., Sams, W.N., Jikich, S., & Ertekin, T. (2005). Simulating Carbon Dioxide Sequestration/ECBM Production in Coal Seams: Effects of Permeability Anisotropies and the Diffusion-Time Constant. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 8(02), 156-163.Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). doi: 10.2118/84423-pa.
White, C.M., Smith, D.H., Jones, K.L., Goodman, A.L., Jikich, S.A., LaCount, R.B., DuBose, S.B., Ozdemir, E., Morsi, B.I., & Schroeder, K.T. (2005). Sequestration of carbon dioxide in coal with enhanced coalbed methane recovery - A review. ENERGY & FUELS, 19(3), 659-724.American Chemical Society (ACS). doi: 10.1021/ef040047w.
Popa, A., Hao, M., Cassidy, S.D., Cover, A., Shepherd, D., & Jikich, S. (2015). Clustering-Based Optimal Perforation Design Using Well Logs. In SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, 2015-January.Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). doi: 10.2118/177282-ms.
Jikich, S.A. (2012). Results of latest U.S. Department of Energy funded chemical enhanced oil recovery projects. In AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings.
Bruff, M., & Jikich, S.A. (2011). Field Demonstration of an Integrated Water Treatment Technology Solution in Marcellus Shale. In SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, (pp. 442-450).Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). doi: 10.2118/149466-ms.
Jikich, S.A., McIntyre, D., Bromhal, G.S., & Crandall, D. (2010). Mechanical properties, flow properties, and heterogeneous CO
Jikich, S.A., McLendon, T.R., & Smith, D.H. (2009). Permeability variations in an Upper Freeport coal core due to changes in effective stress and sorption. In Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 3, (pp. 1840-1856).
Haljasmaa, I., McLendon, R., Jikich, S., Siriwardane, H., Soong, Y., Irdi, G., & Dobroskok, A. (2008). Comparative study of lignite coals in application to CO
Gorucu, F.B., Jikich, S.A., Bromhal, G.S., Sams, W.N., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2007). Effects of Matrix Shrinkage and Swelling on the Economics of Enhanced-Coalbed-Methane Production and CO2 Sequestration in Coal. In SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 10(04), (pp. 382-392).Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). doi: 10.2118/97963-pa.
Gorucu, F.B., Jikich, S.A., Bromhal, G.S., Sams, W.N., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2007). Effects of matrix shrinkage and swelling on the economics of enhanced-coalbed-methane production and CO2 sequestration in coal. In SPE RESERVOIR EVALUATION & ENGINEERING, 10(4), (pp. 382-392). doi: 10.2118/97963-PA.
Jikich, S.A., McLendon, R., Seshadri, K., Irdi, G., & Smith, D.H. (2007). Carbon Dioxide Transport and Sorption Behavior in Confined Coal Cores for Enhanced Coalbed Methane and CO2 Sequestration. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 3, (pp. 1446-1462).Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). doi: 10.2118/109915-ms.
Gorucu, F., Jikich, S., Bromhal, G., Sams, W., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D. (2005). Matrix Shrinkage and Swelling Effects on Economics of Enhanced Coalbed Methane Production and CO2 Sequestration in Coal. In Proceedings of SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, (pp. 137-151).Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2523/97963-ms.
Gorucu, F.B., Ertekin, T., Bromhal, G.S., Smith, D.H., Sams, W.N., & Jikich, S.A. (2005). A neurosimulation tool for predicting performance in enhanced coalbed methane and CO
Gorucu, F.B., Ertekin, T., Bromhal, G.S., Smith, D.H., Sams, W.N., & Jikich, S.A. (2005). A neurosimulation tool for predicting performance in enhanced coalbed methane and CO
Gorucu, F.B., Jikich, S.A., Bromhal, G.S., Sams, W.N., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2005). Matrix shrinkage and swelling effects on economics of enhanced coalbed methane production and CO
Smith, D.H., Bromhal, G., Sams, W.N., Jikich, S., & Ertekin, T. (2005). Simulating carbon dioxide sequestration/ECBM production in coal seams: Effects of permeability anisotropies and the diffusion-time constant. In SPE RESERVOIR EVALUATION & ENGINEERING, 8(2), (pp. 156-163). doi: 10.2118/84423-PA.
Jikich, S., Bromhal, G., Sams, W., Gorucu, F., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D. (2004). Economics for Enhanced Coalbed Methane (ECBM) and CO2 Sequestration with Horizontal Wells. In Proceedings of SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, (pp. 47-58).Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2523/91391-ms.
Jikich, S.A., Bromhal, G.S., Sams, W.N., Gorucu, F.B., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2004). Economics for enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) and CO
Neal Sams, W., Bromhal, G.S., Jikich, S.A., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2004). Using horizontal wells to sequester CO
Odusote, O., Ertekin, T., Smith, D.H., Bromhal, G., Sams, W.N., & Jikich, S. (2004). Carbon dioxide sequestration in coal seams: A parametric study and development of a practical prediction/screening tool using neuro-simulation. In SPE Annual Technical Conference Proceedings.
Odusote, O., Ertekin, T., Smith, D.H., Bromhal, G., Sams, W.N., & Jikich, S. (2004). Carbon dioxide sequestration in coal seams: A parametric study and development of a practical prediction/screening tool usina neuro-simulation. In Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, (pp. 1129-1149).
Sams, W.N., Bromhal, G.S., Jikich, S.A., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2004). Using horizontal wells to sequester CO
Jikich, S.A., Smith, D.H., Neal Sams, W., & Bromhal, G.S. (2003). Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR) with Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: A Simulation Study of Effects of Injection Strategy and Operational Parameters. In SPE Eastern Regional Conference Proceedings, (pp. 31-39).
Smith, D.H., Sams, W.N., Bromhal, G., Jikich, S., & Ertekin, T. (2003). Simulating Carbon Dioxide Sequestration/ECBM Production in Coal Seams: Effects of Permeability Anisotropies and Other Coal Properties. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, (pp. 3227-3241).Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). doi: 10.2118/84423-ms.
Sams, W.N., Bromhal, G., Odusote, O., Jikich, S., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2002). Simulating carbon dioxide sequestration/ECBM production in coal seams: Effects of coal properties and operational parameters. In SPE Eastern Regional Conference Proceedings.
Sams, W.N., Bromhal, G., Odusote, O., Jikich, S., Ertekin, T., & Smith, D.H. (2002). Simulating Carbon Dioxide Sequestration/ECBM Production in Coal Seams: Effects of Coal Properties and Operational Parameters. In SPE Eastern Regional Conference Proceedings, (pp. 39-48).
Jikich, S.A., & Popa, A.S. (2000). Hyperbolic Decline Parameter Identification Using Optimization Procedures. In SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, (pp. 131-136).Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). doi: 10.2118/65634-ms.
Smith, D.H., & Jikich, S.A. (1994). Characterization of Trapped Gas Saturation and Heterogeneity in Core Samples Using Miscible-Displacement Experiments. In Proceedings of SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, (pp. 51-55).Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2523/29161-ms.
Smith, D.H., & Jikich, S.A. (1993). Foams and Surfactants for Improved Underground Storage of Natural Gas by Blockage of Water Coning. In Proceedings of SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, (pp. 197-201).Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2523/26908-ms.