
Developing Ideas

CSTI is interested in fostering collaborative transportation research throughout the Swanson School of Engineering, the University, industry, and other academic institutions to expand its research program.

If you are interested in learning more about CSTI and potential research collaboration, please contact:

Joseph Szczur, P.E.
Director, Center for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure 


Accident and epidemiological data analysis of all highway construction zone fatalities in the U.S.A. and PA to determine type of injury, type of work zone (e.g., bridge or highway) involved, and type of causal factors.

Develop a nondestructive evaluation method to assess the quality of concrete surfaces in terms of concrete strength to detect early signs of deterioration due to over finishing, poor concrete mix design, inclement weather, or any other accidental occurrence 

Forecasting Longwall Mining Induced Failures within Colluvium and Embankment Slopes along the I-70 Highway Alignment from the West Virginia boarder to the Claysville Interchange

Concrete utilizing Carbon Nanotubes. Concrete mixes with carbon nanotubes could improve the strength, durability, and ductility of concrete mixes.

Utilizing Seismic Measuring Device to Detect Bedrock Depth. A Seismic detection device can be used to detect the depth of bedrock.  It may be useful in identifying whether to use piling or spread footings. 

Quantifying the Effect of Overloads on Pavement. Currently the PennDOT overload permitting procedure only considers whether the overload will overstress bridges.  No consideration is given to the effect of the overload on the pavement.