Professional Development Programs and Workshops

The CFE is dedicated to the overall professional development of junior faculty. Our comprehensive approach includes vibrant workshops and seminar series that lay the foundation for continued success, as well as panel discussions that encourage junior faculty to create outstanding promotion packages. 

Past Programs

WORKING EFFECTIVELY AND ENJOYABLY WITH OUR RESEARCH GROUPS (2023) led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC).  Three distinct programs merged dynamic, interactive skill building with specific, practical applications.

SUMMER 2021 CFE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP SERIES led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC).

CREATING A STRONG PROMOTION & TENURE PACKAGE PANEL DISCUSSION (2021). The Head of the APTRC led a panel of four recently promoted faculty who shared their experiences of preparing for the tenure process. The panelists included Drs. Susan Fullerton, Tevis Jacobs, Gelsy Torres-Oviedo and Jingtong Hu.

Creating a Strong Promotion & Tenure Package Panel Discussion (2021)

In response to input from many junior faculty, we added a presentation to our speaker/panel series on the Sponsored Projects Office. In the first of what we hope to be several SPO presentations, Erin Menzies, Senior Manager of the SSoE Sponsored Projects Office, introduced her staff, provided an overview of the SPO office and discussed approaches for how best to work with the SPO.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE AMIDST MANY UNKNOWNS (2020) led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC). Five session lunch time programs provided skill development and discussion in topic areas such as navigating a virtual reality, leading remote teams, managing yourself and your priorities, virtual presentations, introvert & extrovert challenges, singletasking from home, customizing online communication. 

WHAT EVERY PI SHOULD KNOW ABOUT PROPOSAL BUDGETING (2020) led by Dr. Jennifer Woodward, Vice Chancellor for Sponsored Programs and Research Administration at Pitt, Professor of Surgery and Immunology.

LEADING YOUR TEAM (2019) led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC). 

Leading Your Team (2019)
Leading Your Team (2019)

led by Dr. John Robertson, Grant Writers' Seminars & Workshops, LLC. This two-day grant writing workshop included Write Winning NSF Career Proposals and Write Winning Career Development Award Proposals for the NIH and AHA.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2017) led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC). The Office of Academic Affairs of the SSOE, the Office of the Associate Dean for Research, the Office of Diversity and the Center for Faculty Excellence co-sponsored with six SSOE departments to host a unique, interactive one day workshop for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. The seminar included self-assessments, team problem solving, self-reflection, small and large group work, and communication techniques.

SSOE WORKING WITH THE HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION OFFICE: WHEN, WHY, AND HOW (2016) led by Dr. Richard Guido, Chair of the University of Pittsburgh Human Resource Protection Office (HRPO), and Melissa Miklos, Associate Director of Education, University of Pittsburgh HRPO. The objective of their presentation was to inform participants of the procedural steps required to gain approval for research with human subjects and to introduce resources available through the HRPO to facilitate the preparation of protocols.