rise up banner image of student working at laptop

Rise Up

Risk Identification and Support for Emotional Well-Being among University of Pittsburgh students – A Pilot Research Study

College is a new highly competitive environment far from the support systems students had during adolescence. High rates of psychiatric conditions have been observed among the students in that environment. Early detection of psychological distress and fostering care-seeking to ensure timely management may reduce disease progression and allow students to progress academically and continue pursuit of their educational goals. The University of Pittsburgh, along with its partner Sage Therapeutics, Inc., recognizes the need to foster a healthy environment for learning.

The Rise Up pilot research study is intended for U.S. residents 18 years or older.

Pilot Research Study Details

The purpose of this pilot research study is to test all components of data collection, data integration, and data analysis that in a fully implemented research study is intended to provide the basis for the development of predictive models that will help identify students who are likely at risk of developing psychological distress.

Students enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh who are over the age of 18 years old are eligible to participate in the Rise-UP pilot study. Participants also need an iPhone or Android cell phone allowing them to participate in a data collection plan, and agree to adhere to all other program requirements.

The pilot research study will be conducted for 28 days during the summer session. If this pilot research study is successful, the research collaboration between the University of Pittsburgh and Sage Therapeutics, Inc. will involve data collection in three years coinciding with each of the 2023-2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026 academic years. Participation in the pilot research study neither requires nor guarantees participation in any future study activities. Note: The above information applies to those who are eligible to participate in the pilot research study.

Participants will be asked to download a smartphone application on their personal cell phones with either an iPhone or Android operating system and to participate in data collection through their own provider plan with data coverage. Participants are also asked to complete an initial survey and an additional survey 28 days later during the Summer 2023 session. Additional participation requirements may apply. Enrolled students may discontinue participation at any time. Note: The above information applies to those who are eligible to participate in the pilot research study.

Participants will be paid $25 for the first completed survey, and an additional $40 if they have completed the second survey 28 days later, totaling $65 over the course of the pilot research study.

A small number of students who complete all study activities and those who do not may be contacted to participate in a short interview to obtain information regarding their experience with the study for which they will be compensated an additional $25.

If a participant does not complete a particular survey no compensation will be given.