Quantum Systems of Many Interacting Particles

One of our main research directions is devoted to the computational study of the properties of quantum materials. These materials consist of many interacting particles (e.g., electrons, impurities, phonons), whose correlations lead to spectacular states of matter. These states include magnetic and charge order, anomalous charge and heat conductors, insulators, and superconductivity. Their high sensitivity to external perturbations makes them very attractive for implementing diverse novel technologies. However, understanding the properties of many-body quantum systems is extremely challenging due to the exponential growth of their Hilbert space, a problem known as the "curse of dimensionality". Thus, many questions regarding their nature remain open.
To unravel the phenomenology of many-body quantum systems, we rely on simple yet rich theoretical models, such as Heisenberg or Hubbard Hamiltonians, to capture their underlying physics. In addition, we leverage powerful tensor network algorithms to calculate their states. Our work focuses on ground-state phase diagrams of correlated systems, out-of-equilibrium (coherent and dissipative) control of collective phases, optimization of electric and energy transport, and quantum thermal machines. We are interested in the analysis of many-body quantum systems through state-of-the-art quantum computers and simulators.