(2010) Senior Visiting Scientist and Engineer, Westinghouse Electric Company, Research and Technology Unit, Materials Center of Excellence.
(2010) 1st Prize Best Poster Award (meeting-wide), Microscopy & Microanalysis, Portland, OR.
(2008) 1st Prize Best Poster Award in Symposium Z, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
(2005 - 2007) William Kepler Whiteford Faculty Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh.
(2004) 1st Prize Best Poster Award in Symposium S, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
(2004) Invited Keynote Speaker, German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics, Metal Physics Working Group, Spring Meeting 2004 (DPG-Frühlingstagung, Regensburg, Germany).
(2004 - 2009) NCEM Visiting Scientist Fellowship, National Center of Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.
(2003) Faculty Honor Roll 2003, MSE Teacher of the Year Award 2003.
(2002) Visiting Professor, Institute of Applied Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, Zürich, CH-8093.
(2001) The National Science Foundation CAREER Award.
(2000) 1st Prize Best Poster Award in Symposium N, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
(2000) 1st Prize Outstanding Poster Award (meeting-wide), MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
2016 Birks Awar, for best contributed paper presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2015, Micro-Analysis Society, July 2016, Columbus, OH, USA..
PhD, Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
MS (Diplom), Physics, University Münster
Alamoudi, M.T., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2024). Probing effects of solute trapping on the mechanical properties of α-Al in rapidly solidified hypoeutectic Al-10at.%Cu after surface laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 890, 145934.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2023.145934.
Liu, Y., Zweiacker, K., Liu, C., McKeown, J.T., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2024). Transmission electron microscopy of the rapid solidification microstructure evolution and solidification interface velocity determination in hypereutectic Al-20at.%Cu after laser melting. Acta Materialia, 263, 119475.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119475.
Jo, J., Vishwanadh, B., Shankar, M.R., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2023). Microstructure and magnetic properties of binary Mn54-Al46 alloy particulates obtained by severe plastic deformation processing via end-milling and annealing. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 586, 171200.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.171200.
Vishwanadh, B., Jo, J., Bonifacio, C.S., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2022). Site-specific preparation of plan-view samples with large field of view for atomic resolution STEM and TEM studies of rapidly solidified multi-phase Al-Cu thin films. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 189, 111943.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2022.111943.
Jreidini, P., Pinomaa, T., Wiezorek, J.M.K., McKeown, J.T., Laukkanen, A., & Provatas, N. (2021). Orientation Gradients in Rapidly Solidified Pure Aluminum Thin Films: Comparison of Experiments and Phase-Field Crystal Simulations. Phys Rev Lett, 127(20), 205701.American Physical Society (APS). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.205701.
Bathula, V., Liu, C., Zweiacker, K., McKeown, J., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2020). Interface velocity dependent solute trapping and phase selection during rapid solidification of laser melted hypo-eutectic Al-11at.%Cu alloy. ACTA MATERIALIA, 195, 341-357.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.04.006.
Gong, S., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Shankar, M.R. (2020). Large deformability of Mg alloys produced by confinement to the nanoscale in one dimension. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 100(9), 413-424.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/09500839.2020.1783008.
Idell, Y., Wiezorek, J., Facco, G., Kulovits, A., & Shankar, M.R. (2020). Geometric dynamic recrystallization of austenitic stainless steel through linear plane-strain machining. Philosophical Magazine, 100(9), 1102-1128.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/14786435.2020.1725680.
McKeown, J.T., Clarke, A.J., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2020). Imaging transient solidification behavior. MRS Bulletin, 45(11), 916-926.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1557/mrs.2020.273.
Pinomaa, T., McKeown, J.M., Wiezorek, J.M.K., Provatas, N., Laukkanen, A., & Suhonen, T. (2020). Phase field modeling of rapid resolidification of Al-Cu thin films. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 532, 125418.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125418.
Telang, A., Gill, A.S., Zweiacker, K., Liu, C., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Vasudevan, V.K. (2018). Effect of thermo-mechanical processing on sensitization and corrosion in alloy 600 studied by SEM-and TEM-Based diffraction and orientation imaging techniques. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 505, 276-288.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.07.053.
Wiezorek, J.M., Zou, L., Yang, C., Lei, Y., Zakharov, D., Su, D., Yin, Q., Li, J., Liu, Z., Stach, E., Yang, J., Qi, L., Wang, G., & Zhou, G. (2018). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Dislocation nucleation facilitated by atomic segregation DOI: 10.1038/NMAT5034. doi: 10.1038/NMAT5034.
Xu, S., Liu, C., & Wiezorek, J. (2018). 20 renewable biowastes derived carbon materials as green counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 204, 294-304.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2017.10.056.
Zou, L., Yang, C., Lei, Y., Zakharov, D., Wiezorek, J.M.K., Su, D., Yin, Q., Li, J., Liu, Z., Stach, E.A., Yang, J.C., Qi, L., Wang, G., & Zhou, G. (2018). Dislocation nucleation facilitated by atomic segregation. NATURE MATERIALS, 17(1), 56-+.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1038/NMAT5034.
Zweiacker, K.W., Liu, C., Gordillo, M.A., McKeown, J.T., Campbell, G.H., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2018). Composition and automated crystal orientation mapping of rapid solidification products in hypoeutectic Al-4 at.%Cu alloys. ACTA MATERIALIA, 145, 71-83.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.11.040.
Stan-Glowinska, K., Litynska-Dobrzynska, L., Kania, B., Dutkiewicz, J., Rogal, L., Skuza, W., Wojewoda-Budka, J., Gordillo, M.A., & Wiezorek, J.M. (2017). Effects of hot-compaction on the structure and properties of Al-Mn-Fe-X alloys strengthened with quasi-crystalline icosahedral phase. MATERIALS & DESIGN, 126, 162-173.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.04.043.
Stan-Glowinska, K., Litynska-Dobrzynska, L., Morgiel, J., Goral, A., Gordillo, M.A., & Wiezorek, J.M. (2017). Enhanced thermal stability of a quasicrystalline phase in rapidly solidified Al-Mn-Fe-X alloys. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 702, 216-228. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12383.
Stan-Głowińska, K., Lityńska-Dobrzyńska, L., Morgiel, J., Góral, A., Gordillo, M.A., & Wiezorek, J.M. (2017). Enhanced thermal stability of a quasicrystalline phase in rapidly solidified Al-Mn-Fe-X alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 702, 216-228.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12.383.
Xu, S., Liu, C., Xiao, Z., Zhong, W., Luo, Y., Ou, H., & Wiezorek, J. (2017). Cooperative effect of carbon black and dimethyl sulfoxide on PEDOT:PSS hole transport layer for inverted planar perovskite solar cells. SOLAR ENERGY, 157, 125-132.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2017.08.009.
Xu, S., Liu, C., Ye, F., Guo, Y., & Wiezorek, J. (2017). Alkali-assisted hydrothermal route to control submicron-sized nanoporous carbon spheres with uniform distribution. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 515, 1-11.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.11.070.
McKeown, J.T., Zweiacker, K., Liu, C., Coughlin, D.R., Clarke, A.J., Baldwin, J.K., Gibbs, J.W., Roehling, J.D., Imhoff, S.D., Gibbs, P.J., Tourret, D., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Campbell, G.H. (2016). Time-Resolved In Situ Measurements During Rapid Alloy Solidification: Experimental Insight for Additive Manufacturing (vol 68, pg 985, 2016). JOM, 68(4), 1264.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1007/s11837-016-1842-0.
McKeown, J.T., Zweiacker, K., Liu, C., Coughlin, D.R., Clarke, A.J., Baldwin, J.K., Gibbs, J.W., Roehling, J.D., Imhoff, S.D., Gibbs, P.J., Tourret, D., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Campbell, G.H. (2016). Time-Resolved In Situ Measurements During Rapid Alloy Solidification: Experimental Insight for Additive Manufacturing. JOM, 68(3), 985-999.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1007/s11837-015-1793-x.
Zweiacker, K., McKeown, J.T., Liu, C., LaGrange, T., Reed, B.W., Campbell, G.H., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2016). Determination of crystal growth rates during rapid solidification of polycrystalline aluminum by nano-scale spatio-temporal resolution in situ transmission electron microscopy. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 120(5).AIP Publishing. doi: 10.1063/1.4960443.
Huang, Y., Wiezorek, J.M.K., Garner, F.A., Freyer, P.D., Okita, T., Sagisaka, M., Isobe, Y., & Allen, T.R. (2015). Microstructural characterization and density change of 304 stainless steel reflector blocks after long-term irradiation in EBR-II. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 465, 516-530.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.06.031.
McKeown, J.T., Kulovits, A.K., Liu, C., Zweiacker, K., Reed, B.W., LaGrange, T., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Campbell, G.H. (2014). In situ transmission electron microscopy of crystal growth-mode transitions during rapid solidification of a hypoeutectic Al-Cu alloy. ACTA MATERIALIA, 65, 56-68.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2013.11.046.
Okita, T., Etoh, J., Sagisaka, M., Matsunaga, T., Isobe, Y., Freyer, P.D., Huang, Y., Wiezorek, J.M., & Garner, F.A. (2014). Validation of ultrasonic velocity measurements for measuring void swelling in first-wall structural materials. Journal of Fusion Science and Technology, 60(1), 77-82.
Okita, T., Etoh, J., Sagisaka, M., Matsunaga, T., Isobe, Y., Freyer, P.D., Huang, Y., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Garner, F.A. (2014). VALIDATION OF ULTRASONIC VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS FOR DETECTING VOID SWELLING IN FIRST-WALL STRUCTURAL MATERIALS. FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 66(1), 77-82.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.13182/FST13-755.
Wiezorek, J.M.K., Facco, G., Idell, Y., Kulovits, A., & Shankar, M.R. (2014). Nano-structuring of 316L type steel by severe plastic deformation processing using two-dimensional linear plane strain machining. Materials Science Forum, 783-786, 2720-2725. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.783-786.2720.
Wiezorek, J.M.K., Facco, G., Idell, Y., Kulovits, A., & Shankar, M.R. (2014). Nano-Structuring of 316L Type Steel by Severe Plastic Deformation Processing Using Two-Dimensional Linear Plane Strain Machining. Materials Science Forum, 783-786, 2720-2725.Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.783-786.2720.
Ye, C., Telang, A., Gill, A.S., Suslov, S., Idell, Y., Zweiacker, K., Wiezorek, J.M.K., Zhou, Z., Qian, D., Mannava, S.R., & Vasudevan, V.K. (2014). Gradient nanostructure and residual stresses induced by Ultrasonic Nano-crystal Surface Modification in 304 austenitic stainless steel for high strength and high ductility. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 613, 274-288.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.06.114.
Etoh, J., Sagisaka, M., Matsunaga, T., Isobe, Y., Garner, F.A., Freyer, P.D., Huang, Y., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Okita, T. (2013). Development of a nondestructive inspection method for irradiation-induced microstructural evolution of thick 304 stainless steel blocks. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 440(1-3), 500-507.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.02.036.
Idell, Y., Facco, G., Kulovits, A., Shankar, M.R., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2013). Strengthening of austenitic stainless steel by formation of nanocrystalline γ-phase through severe plastic deformation during two-dimensional linear plane-strain machining. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 68(9), 667-670.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2013.01.025.
Sang, X., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2013). Comparison of convergent beam electron diffraction methods for simultaneous structure and Debye Waller factor determination. ULTRAMICROSCOPY, 126, 48-59.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.12.016.
Sang, X., Kulovits, A., Wang, G., & Wiezorek, J. (2013). Validation of density functionals for transition metals and intermetallics using data from quantitative electron diffraction. Journal of Chemical Physics, 138(084504).
Sang, X., Kulovits, A., Wang, G., & Wiezorek, J. (2013). Validation of density functionals for transition metals and intermetallics using data from quantitative electron diffraction. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 138(8), 084504.AIP Publishing. doi: 10.1063/1.4792436.
Kulovits, A.K., Facco, G., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2012). Grain size determination in nano-scale polycrystalline aggregates by precession illumination-hollow cone dark field imaging in the transmission electron microscope. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 63, 17-26.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2011.10.003.
LaGrange, T., Reed, B.W., Santala, M.K., McKeown, J.T., Kulovits, A., Wiezorek, J.M.K., Nikolova, L., Rosei, F., Siwick, B.J., & Campbell, G.H. (2012). Approaches for ultrafast imaging of transient materials processes in the transmission electron microscope. MICRON, 43(11), 1108-1120.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.micron.2012.04.010.
McKeown, J.T., LaGrange, T., Reed, B.W., Campbell, G.H., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2012). Ultrafast Imaging of Rapid Alloy Solidification in Al-Cu Thin Films. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(S2), 602-603.Oxford University Press (OUP). doi: 10.1017/s1431927612004862.
Reed, B., LaGrange, T., Santala, M., McKeown, J., DeHope, W., Huete, G., Shuttlesworth, R., Kim, J., Campbell, G., Topuria, T., Raoux, S., Meister, S., Cui, Y., Kilovits, A., Wiezorek, J., Nikolova, L., Kieffer, J., Rosei, F., Stern, M., & Siwick, B. (2012). Latest Developments in Dynamic TEM: Revealing Material Processes at Nanometer and Nanosecond Scales. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(S2), 596-597.Oxford University Press (OUP). doi: 10.1017/s1431927612004837.
Reed, B.W., LaGrange, T., Santala, M.K., McKeown, J.T., DeHope, W.J., Huete, G., Shuttlesworth, R.M., Kim, J.S., Topuria, T., Raoux, S., Meister, S., Cui, Y., Kulovits, A., Wiezorek, J.M., Nikolova, L., Stern, M.J., Kieffer, J.C., Siwik, B.J., Rosei, F., & Campbell, G.H. (2012). Latest Developments in Dynamic TEM: Revealing Material Processes at Nanometer and Nanosecond Scales. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(Suppl. 2), 596-597.
Sang, X., Kulovits, A., Wang, G., & Wiezorek, J. (2012). High precision electronic charge density determination for L10-ordered γ-TiAl by quantitative convergent beam electron diffraction. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, 92(35), 4408-4424.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/14786435.2012.709324.
Danesh, P., Pantchev, B., Wiezorek, J., Schmidt, B., & Grambole, D. (2011). Effect of hydrogen on hardness of amorphous silicon. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 102(1), 131-135.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1007/s00339-010-6026-0.
Kulovits, A., Wiezorek, J.M.K., LaGrange, T., Reed, B.W., & Campbell, G.H. (2011). Revealing the transient states of rapid solidification in aluminum thin films using ultrafast in situ transmission electron microscopy. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS, 91(4), 287-296.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/09500839.2011.558030.
Sang, X., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2011). Simultaneous determination of highly precise Debye-Waller factors and multiple structure factors for chemically ordered tetragonal FePd. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION A, 67(Pt 3), 229-239.International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). doi: 10.1107/S0108767311005617.
Sang, X.H., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2011). Experimental Studies of Bonding Related Properties in Binary Intermetallics by Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction. MRS Proceedings, 1295, 279-284.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1557/opl.2011.37.
Wiezorek, J.M., Kulovits, A.K., Yanar, C., Radmilovic, V., & Soffa, W.A. (2011). "Grain boundary mediated displacive-diffusional formation of tau-phase Mn-Al". Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 42(A), 594-604.
Wiezorek, J.M., Kulovits, A.K., Zhang, X.D., & Fraser, H.L. (2011). "Heterophase Interface Slip Transfer in PST-TiAl". Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 42(A), 605-612.
Danesh, P., Pantchev, B., Wiezorek, J., & Schmidt, B. (2010). Effect of keV ion irradiation on mechanical properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 268(17-18), 2660-2665.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2010.05.071.
Pantchev, B., Danesh, P., & Wiezorek, J. (2010). Nanoindentation of hydrogenated amorphous silicon. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, 90(30), 4027-4039.Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/14786435.2010.502151.
Pantchev, B., Danesh, P., Wiezorek, J., & Schmidt, B. (2010). Nanoindentation-induced pile-up in hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 253(1), 012054.IOP Publishing. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/253/1/012054.
Sang, X.H., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2010). Simultaneous determination of highly precise Debye-Waller factors and structure factors for chemically ordered NiAl. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, 66(Pt 6), 694-702.International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). doi: 10.1107/S0108767310034471.
Sang, X.H., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2010). Determination of Debye-Waller factor and structure factors for Si by quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction using off-axis multi-beam orientations. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, 66(Pt 6), 685-693.International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). doi: 10.1107/S010876731003446X.
Kulovits, A., Zhong, R., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Leonard, J.P. (2009). Electron microscopy of geometrically confined copper thin films after rapid lateral solidification. THIN SOLID FILMS, 517(13), 3629-3634.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2008.11.132.
Kulovits, A.K., Deshpande, A.R., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2009). Cold-working and annealing of the chemically ordered L10-phase Fe50-Pd50. INTERMETALLICS, 17(10), 865-871.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.intermet.2009.03.015.
Kulovits, A.K., Webler, B., Deshpande, A.R., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2009). Electron microscopy of commercial purity Al-2024 (Al-Mg-Cu) after accumulative roll-bonding. TMS Annual Meeting, 63-68.
Ohodnicki, P.R., Desphande, A., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Klemmer, T.J. (2009). Magnetic force microscopy of combined reaction-processed polycrystalline equiatomic bulk L10 FePd. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 24(8), 2677-2687.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1557/JMR.2009.0324.
Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Kulovits, A.K. (2009). TEM of c-component dislocations associated with pyramidal slip activity in hexagonal α
Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Kulovits, A.K. (2009). Observation of <2c+a> dislocation glide in duplex Ti-48at.% Al after room temperature tensile deformation. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1128, 141-146.
Zhong, R., Kulovits, A., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Leonard, J.P. (2009). Four-zone solidification microstructure formed by laser melting of copper thin films. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 256(1), 105-111.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.07.084.
Cai, J., Kulovits, A., Shankar, M.R., & Wiezorek, J. (2008). Novel microstructures from severely deformed Al-Ti alloys created by chip formation in machining. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 43(23-24), 7474-7480.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1007/s10853-008-2887-4.
Hur, T., Kim, H., Perello, D., Yun, M., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2008). Morphology and grain structure evolution during epitaxial growth of Ag films on native-oxide-covered Si surface. Journal of Applied Physics, 103(103507), 1-5.
Hur, T.B., Kim, H.K., Perello, D., Yun, M., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2008). Morphology and grain structure evolution during epitaxial growth of Ag films on native-oxide-covered Si surface. Journal of Applied Physics, 103(103507), 1-5.
Hur, T.B., Kim, H.K., Perello, D., Yun, M., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2008). Morphology and grain structure evolution during epitaxial growth of Ag films on native-oxide-covered Si surface. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 103(10).AIP Publishing. doi: 10.1063/1.2924323.
Kulovits, A., Mao, S.M., & Wiezorek, J.M. (2008). Comparing the Role of Dislocations during Plastic Deformation of Nanocrystalline Nickel and Coarse-Grained Nickel during Cold Rolling. MRS Proceedings, 1090, 13-18.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1557/proc-1090-z05-08.
Kulovits, A., Mao, S.X., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2008). Microstructural changes of nanocrystalline nickel during cold rolling. ACTA MATERIALIA, 56(17), 4836-4845.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2008.05.040.
Shan, Z., Knapp, J.A., Follstaedt, D.M., Stach, E.A., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Mao, S.X. (2008). Inter- and intra-agglomerate fracture in nanocrystalline nickel. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100(10), 105502.American Physical Society (APS). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.105502.
Shan, Z., Wiezorek, J.M.K., Knapp, J.A., Follstaedt, D.M., Stach, E.A., & Mao, S.X. (2008). Large lattice strain in individual grains of deformed nanocrystalline Ni. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 92(9), 091917.AIP Publishing. doi: 10.1063/1.2889936.
Wiezorek, J.M., Kulovita, A.K., & Mao, S.X. (2008). "Microstructural Evolution in nanocrystalline Ni during Cold-Rolling". Acta Materialia, 56(17), 4836-4845.
Zhong, R., Kulovits, A., Wiezorek, J.M.K., & Leonard, J.P. (2008). Texture of rapidly solidified Cu 11 un films studied by SEM EBSD and tem. Ceramic Transactions, 201, 35-45.
(2007). "Cold-working and Annealing of L10-ordering Fe-Pd base intermetallics". Materials Science Forum, 539, 1487-1494.
Desphande, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2007). Cold-deformation and annealing of equiaxed L1
Kulovits, A., Leonard, J., & Wiezorek, J. (2007). Microstructural evolution during post deposition annealing of pulsed laser deposited Fe(100-x) Pdx thin films. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 980, 155-160.
Kulovits, A.K., Leonard, J.P., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2007). Microstructure of pulsed laser deposited FePd thin films on amorphous and crystalline substrates. INTERMETALLICS, 15(12), 1606-1611.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.intermet.2007.06.015.
Ohodnicki, P., Webler, B., Deshpande, A., & Wiezorek, J.M.K. (2007). Interpretation of magnetic force microscopy contrast using commercially available batch tips for investigation of surface magnetic domain structure in polycrystalline bulk equiatomic L10 FePd. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 38A(10), 2479-2487.Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi: 10.1007/s11661-007-9298-z.
Shan, Z.W., Wiezorek, J.M.K., Stach, E.A., Follstaedt, D.M., Knapp, J.A., & Mao, S.X. (2007). Dislocation dynamics in nanocrystalline nickel. Phys Rev Lett, 98(9), 095502. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.095502.
Shan, Z.W., Wiezorek, J.M.K., Stach, E.A., Follstaedt, D.M., Knapp, J.A., & Mao, S.X. (2007). Dislocation dynamics in nanocrystalline nickel. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 98(9), 96502.American Physical Society (APS). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.095502.
Sokalski, V., Kulovits, A., & Wiezorek, J. (2007). UFG to NC FePd by combined reaction transformation mode of severely plastically deformed disordered FePd. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 980, 167-172.
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