
Novel Ventriculoamniotic Shunt For Fetal Aqueductal Stenosis

Novel Ventriculoamniotic Shunt For Fetal Aqueductal Stenosis

Category: Data, Device

Severe fetal central nervous system (CNS) hydrocephalus occurs 3-5 cases per 10,000 deliveries. Aqueductal Stenosis (AS) is a developmental anomaly that causes hydrocephalus by obstructing the brain’s ventricular system. Older style shunts are still placed in fetuses with lesions other than AS, and technology has hardly improved since then. The team is developing a device that improves upon ventriculoamniotic shunting for fetal isolated AS using modern prenatal diagnostics, materials, and design factors. Unlikely to dislodge, reflux-resistant, percutaneous, and CNS-compatible, the device would outperform earlier versions. With CMI funding, the team has been able to produce preliminary data to support external grant applications. The technology has also attracted industry interests.